Michelle Watson-Grant
Dr. Michelle Watson-Grant unleashes potential and transforms organizations by coaching educational leaders and non-profit directors to engage in self-discovery, elevate their leadership capacity, and achieve their goals. Leveraging her 30 years of experience in education, Michelle is a certified master coach and the founder of Jonlieu (pronounced “Jon Loo”), a coaching company dedicated to helping emerging and mid-level educational and non-profit leaders succeed.
Prior to launching Jonlieu, Michelle held various roles in education including textbook author, teacher, and adjunct professor. She would later become a highly successful school district administrator who led cross-disciplinary teams across elementary, middle, and high schools. In this role, she not only accelerated the learning and development of those teams and increased productivity, but also, she and her teams developed new district-wide curriculum that improved instruction and student learning. In 2017, Michelle received the Award for Excellence in District Administration.
Michelle is passionate about developing the potential in leaders through professional coaching focused on leadership effectiveness, team leadership, and transitions. Known for her relaxed demeanor, she’s often “the calm” in the midst of her clients’ chaotic storms. With a people-first approach, Michelle dramatically elevates individuals, teams, and organizations to perform at their highest levels.
Telephone: 919-391-8344
Email: michelle@jonlieu.com
Specialty: Leadership, People Management, Transition