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Upside Thinking, Inc.

Upside Thinking, Inc.

Business Description

Upside Thinking, Inc. is an international leadership development company committed to transforming the personal and professional lives of leaders.

Through our motivational leadership seminars and workshops, coaching and consulting services, upside events, and edu-taining resources and products, we inspire leaders to action and give them the tools they need to:





    • Achieve excellence personally and professionally!


    • Create a positive change in behavior and performance for themselves and their organizations!


  • Increase their success, their happiness, and their bottom line!

Clients from every industry, walk of life, educational background, and level of business experience have used our services to create more effective and enjoyable work environments, motivate their employees to excellence, and achieve success they only dreamed possible.


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Full Name: Lisa Marie Platske

Telephone: 305-447-9634

Street Address: 1825 Ponce de Leon Blvd., #356

City: Coral Gables

Zip: 33134

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