Directory of Coaches

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GS&L Consulting



Business Description

GS&L Consulting is a full-service Talent Development agency focused on bringing YOUR strengths to life so you can be the best you want to be – at work, and in life We focus on: Growth- Personal awareness through Behavioral assessments and Powerful Coaching conversations. (Gallup Strengths, EQ, DISC, etc.) Strategy: What do your employees and teams need to learn? What do they need to succeed? We diagnose training needs, design learning plans, facilitate and implement employee opinion and engagement surveys. Learning: We deliver experiential and practical learning programs centered on human skills- personal development, team dynamics, leadership, communication. Those Important skills to find the perfect balance between individual meaning and organizational goals.

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Full Name: Gaby Alvarez-Pollack

Telephone: (619)890-1543

Street Address: 1418 Antioch Ave

City: Chula Vista

State: California

Zip: 91913

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