Directory of Coaches

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Action and Ease Coaching

Act with Impact

Action and Ease Coaching

Business Description

We help engineering managers and executives propel themselves and their teams forward through private and group leadership coaching centered on mindset, positive intelligence, and powering team performance and communication. Action & Ease is led by Kris Liebau, a multi-certified leadership coach and former engineering manager of 20+ years. We’re known for our innovative, 2-part coaching program that empowers engineering executives and managers to “act with impact” – helping them to identify the most valuable actions to grow themselves, lead with ease, communicate well, and guide their teams to reach their potential. Based in Detroit, Michigan, we serve clients and organizations in the United States and Canada. If you’re ready to stop firefighting and do the work you and your team are really meant to do – connect with us here on LinkedIn or set a free consultation on our website,

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Full Name: Kris Liebau

Telephone: 419 509 0509

State: Michigan

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