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Witte Consulting Group, LLC

Developing People and Organizations around the World

Witte Consulting Group, LLC

Business Description

Marion brings over 25 years of extensive experience in the field of HR and OD from the pharmaceutical, chemical and life sciences industries.Her core competencies include executive and team coaching, talent management, employee engagement, organizational culture and effectiveness, inclusion and diversity and leadership development and team facilitation. As a leadership coach, Marion possesses a unique ability to build rapport and trust quickly, challenge high performers to learn and help them understand how others perceive them. With active listening and authentic compassion to leverage their strengths and address strategic and emotional intelligence gaps, she guides them to become more authentic, effective and influential on their continuing leadership journey.

Full Name: Marion Witte

Telephone: 9735252809

Street Address: 22 Bennington Drive


State: New Jersey

Zip: 07836

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